My experience with technology is pretty basic. I had a PC at home until I came to college and now I have a Mac book. I really like the Mac it is very user friendly and I like the peace of mind that comes with less risk for a virus. I usually just use my computer for internet (facebook, email, etc.) and word processing. I took a digital art class in high school, so I am familiar with photoshop and the other Adobe software. I also took a web design class in high school so Im a little familiar with dreamweaver and some basic html. I am aquatinted with all these programs but I just have a basic knowledge of them. I am hoping to better my understanding of technology through this class.
I did not come to Cal State San Marcos because of the College of Educations Mission Statement however I feel that the mission of the college is something that I believe in and would like to be apart of. I believe education is a life-long process, people never stop learning and I would like to help young kids start that process in a positive and equal way. I want all kids to have an equal education and know that they can make a difference and have success academically and otherwise if they wish to. All students should be entitled to a quality education no matter their social class, ethnicity, background, or gender.